Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Kroger Mega Sale Bargain

This has got to be one of the best/easiest deals I've ever gotten!  Kraft cheese, which is normally $4.29 per pack at Kroger, is only $.49 each.  They are on sale for $2.99 and a dollar of each when you but five and then when you download the digital coupon this gives you another $1.50 off each...for a grand total of $.49 each.  This is a crazy good deal!  Mine are going in the freezer!

Saturday, July 26, 2014


My Kroger trip this week was pretty productive.  I found a few managers special sales, but not as many as last week.  Here's the receipt with the savings break down!

As you can see it looks like I spent way more than my normal grocery budget.  However, one of my best deals was a $50 Children's Place gift card for $40!  Just download the digital coupon to your card! This is going to make for some great deals when they have their end of season sales and have things for $1.99... Especially when paired with a 25% of your entire order coupon!  If you subtract that and a few household items my grocerys were about $55 and $8 for a whole turkey breast that is going to make many delicious meals!  Not too bad!

Plus you get 4x fuel points on the price of gift cards right now too.  I racked up the fuel points today too!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Grocery Budgeting

I've had a few people ask me about my grocery budget, $50\week for food and $50\month on meat.  To most people this has seemed near impossible or even laughable.  First, this is for a family of two adults with a two year old and five month old.  Second, this only includes food; not toiletries, paper products, soaps, clothes or anything else.  And finally the big secret, I don't always manage to keep it within this budget. In fact, I rarely do. 

The fact of the matter is that I just got tired of going to the grocery with no game plan and spending over a hundred dollars and then having to return every couple days to get things that I needed for meals I decided I wanted to cook... Or even more expensive, just going out to eat since I hadn't gotten what I needed to make a complete meal at the grocery.  I was spending close to or over two hundred dollars in food per week (if you include eating out).  This was just too much.  So we decided to make some changes. 

The first was to plan meals for the week then make a grocery list... It's not rocket science.  This made a big difference since we were much more likely to eat at home if I already had what I needed to cook a meal.  

Second, I saw what a big difference this made and decided to challenge myself with this budget.  If you don't have a goal then you tend to spend more.  I started looking at what was on sale and making my menu based on sale items.  Just these two steps made an incredible difference in our bank account.  Even though I go over the $50 all the time, being $5-$20 over budget is still a tremendous improvement.  

The last thing that I've started recently is using coupons.  We used to just buy the Kroger brand of everything, but after reading a few blogs and paying more attention to ads I realized you can get name brand things even cheaper sometimes.  I'll give you an example of a great deal I got at Kroger this morning on Horizon Mac and Cheese.  These are normally about $2/box...Far too much in my opinion for a box of Mac and cheese.  The Kroger brand is about $1 or less and the Kraft brand you can occasionally find on sale for $1.  I normally just stock up on Kraft when it's on sale because this is one thing where I don't like the Kroger brand.  Anyway, Horizon was on sale for $1/box which is good, but then I printed off coupons for 55¢/1 box making them 45¢ each!   Another deal I got was Chex Mix for 75¢.  They are on sale for $1/bag and I had a coupon for 50¢\2 bags.

Another tip that I've also found for getting some amazing deals is getting out early on Saturday morning.  This is when my Kroger store knocks down prices with managers special.  Things like milk that will expire in a week...I don't know about you but a gallon doesn't begin to last a week in our house.  Today they were marking down packages of bacon to $1 each!  I got plenty of bacon in the freezer now!  Here's the damage from my morning Kroger trip...the savings does not even reflect my managers special deals.  This week I was within budget with about $28 of this being meat and $40 being groceries! 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Coupons Gone Wrong... And Right

I've been couponing for a couple of weeks now and I actually feel like I'm getting the hang of how it works.  This has not been without any awkward moments at the register, but that was all in my first week and the worst one was not my fault. I won't get into that because it will be much funnier to tell you about my husbands unfortunate transaction at the register this past weekend.

There was this great deal at Kroger on hefty slider bags and I had a coupon.  This was the makings of a great we really needed bags.  They were on sale for 99¢ each when you bought 6, and I had coupons for $1/2 boxes.  This made them 50¢each! 

Josh was going to Kroger late one night so I asked him to get the bags since they were out of them when I made my weekly grocery run.  He agreed and I gave careful instructions to only get the 99¢ ones if they had them and to buy twelve of them since you only get the deal in quantities of six.  When he got home and hands me the receipt that states he has bought almost $50 worth of hefty bags!  I was in shock!  He had grabbed the boxes that were nearly $5 each!  I asked how he didn't notice at the register that he was paying $50 for what I told him should cost $6.  He said he got distracted when the you-scan cashier asked him if he was going fishing or selling weed with all those bags!  The bags were returned the next day.

Here's what I got at Kroger today for less than $10!  
7 hefty slider bags
3 boxes of cereal
2 boxes of pasta
1 Bottle of acetaminophen